Yoga for Living with Cancer 

"Look to this day, for it is life. For yesterday is already a dream and tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope." 

- Sanskrit Proverb

Find comfort and ease in your body 

My hope is that my own story will empower you to discover how you can also live a life that is bursting with joy and gratitude.    My life's purpose is to empower you to transform your self-doubt into courage and unlock your potential with myths, ritual and sacred practice that will awaken your spirit and help you live your best life.

Whether you're a longtime cancer survivor, currently in treatment or the main carer for someone living with cancer, this yoga class is a great way to find comfort and ease in your body when you, or a loved one, have been diagnosed with cancer.

Practice at your own pace; this class is as gentle or challenging as you make it.  
You don't have to be experienced, coordinated, flexible or feel good to come to class, you can even do the class sitting in a chair.  

Just come along!

How does it work?

Great videos by my teacher, Laura Kupperman, that explain how yoga can 
support people living with Cancer

"Scars are tattoos with better stories.”

The benefits of this class include:

  • Decreased stress and pain
  • Improved sleep and energy
  • Increased range of motion
  • Increased strength
  • Improved lymphatic flow
  • Enhanced digestion, circulation, respiration, joint health and glandular function
  • Greater sense of well-being

For more information call Jill - 07791749502
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