Living Yoga.

Yoga Living

Yoga for the modern Mystic: Myths, Seasonal Shifts, Ritual and Sacred Practice

Activate your joy & your radiance today

Learn to live in rhythm & activate your magic!

Learn to live in rhythm & activate your magic!

Discover your strength & grace

Discover your strength & grace

My classes offer a sanctuary where you can find healing, build resilience and create a deeper connection to the world around you and within you.

Whether you're seeking relief from stress, a way to navigate through grief, or simply looking to enhance your well-being, my teachings are designed to support and empower you.

My purpose is to help you embrace yoga living, and discover how to navigate life with grace and strength.

Your path to transformation starts here.

Step up and shine bright!

If you have been holding back from taking centre stage in your own life, let me show you how to step up, shine bright & share your magic!

The Wheel of the Year

The Wheel of the Year celebrates eight seasonal days known as "Quarter Days; Cross Quarter Days and Sabbats" that mark the seasons, cycles of life and the full calender year.

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 Radiant Blessings 

Open up to a world of possibilities with this empowering and uplifting meditation.   

Yours free when you join the Blue Lotus Community today


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